Does the following sound familiar on your running journey:

  • Feeling nervous and no idea how to train for that race you signed up for?
  • Your last event went well but you know you can do better. You're not sure how to approach your training to improve?
  • Your last event did not go to plan and was a slog fest from early on. Do you want to do better next time?
  • You have big running goals and don't know where, or how to start?

You are not alone! With this fortnightly newsletter, we cut through the BS and noise about running.

Every Friday, Journey2Ultra running coach, Ash will send you tips and articles to help you improve your running and training knowledge.

From trail, marathons to ultramarathons. I am here to help you smash that PB and know you can run that distance, however far!

Please check your email to confirm your subscription and I include my 10 top tips if new to trail running.

    I respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.